By the Everton Fan Advisory Board (07 September 2023)

The Everton Fan Advisory Board (FAB) will be holding a series of engagement meetings with Everton supporters in the coming weeks, as part of their role in gathering supporter feedback about the strategic direction of Everton Football Club, as well as the Club’s recently published Fan Engagement Plan for 23/24.

The meetings will be a combination of in-person meetings to be held at the Blue Base community facility, close to Goodison Park, alongside a series of virtual meetings held across three time zones to allow Everton’s global fanbase to have their say.

The first meeting will be held on Wednesday 13 September at the Blue Base Community Facility, Salop Street, Liverpool at 7pm.

Supporters are asked to register their attendance in advance by emailing their name to the FAB at:

[email protected]

Details and timings about the online meetings for Evertonians based overseas will be shared in the near future.

Dave Kelly, Interim Chair of the Everton FAB said:

“We find ourselves at yet another critical point in our Club’s history.  In June, following the appointment of an interim Board, the majority shareholder told Evertonians that we were undergoing an important period of transition and were looking to reset and deliver on external investment to position Everton for a successful future.

Despite more recent assurances that the search for new investment is ongoing, Evertonians are still unclear about the financial stability of our Club, what the transitionary period means in reality and what the future holds for our great Club.

The Everton fanbase is a broad church and we want to bring together as many Evertonians as possible at home and across the globe to hear their views, so we can ensure that the senior levels of Everton Football Club are in no doubt about the expectations of the greatest asset this Club has – its supporters.  The Club has also recently published its Fan Engagement Plan and we aim to also use these meetings as an opportunity to get feedback from Evertonians about the Club’s plans.”