Terms of Reference

Throughout these Terms of Reference: 

“Everton” is defined as referring to Everton Football Club Company Limited (EFC).

An “Evertonian” is defined as referring to a supporter who has a ‘live’ Supporter Number registered with Everton.

The Fan Advisory Board (FAB) is an independent body for in-depth consultation with the Club’s hierarchy, including members of the Club’s Board. Discussions will focus on long-term strategic issues.

Under this Terms of Reference, the FAB will operate independently to be consulted about: 

  • EFC’s strategic vision and objectives; 
  • Any proposals relating to EFC heritage; 
  • EFC’s plan for broader supporter engagement; 
  • Escalation, as agreed, of issues from organisations that have separate structured dialogue with Everton; 
  • Stadium relocation and the Goodison legacy project;
  • Finance and revenue generation; and
  • Governance, regulation and compliance. 

It is recognised that to fulfil the above, the FAB will also have to work within Everton’s Memorandum of Understanding.

The FAB will comprise of eleven members, each over the age of 18, who represent the diversity of the fanbase; none of whom receive any payment, benefit or preferential treatment from EFC.  

The positions on the FAB will be a combination of seven reserved places for organisations, as well as four positions for elected Evertonians, who may apply through meeting specific criteria. The composition is: 

  • 1x Everton Disabled Supporters’ Association representative (reserved position); 
  • 1x Everton Fans’ Forum representative (reserved position); 
  • 1x Everton Football Club Supporters’ Club Committee representative (reserved position); 
  • 1x Everton Heritage Society representative (reserved position); 
  • 1x Everton International Supporter Club Network representative (reserved position); 
  • 1x Everton Women Supporters’ Club representative (reserved position); 
  • 1x Football Supporters’ Association EFC Members representative (reserved position); 
  • 1x EFC Shareholder, elected ahead of the 2024/25 season to serve 3 years;
  • 1x Evertonian with no further eligibility requirements, elected ahead of the 2022/23 season to serve 3 years;
  • 1x Evertonian representing a group with a protected characteristic, as defined in the Equality Act of 2010 as may be amended from time to time, to be elected ahead of the 2023/24 season to serve 3 years; and
  • 1x Evertonian with no further eligibility requirements, to be elected ahead of the 2023/24 season to serve 3 years.


The FAB may create sub-committees to deal with specific areas, but these will be directly responsible to the FAB, who will have the final approval on any matter discussed by a sub-committee. 

Additionally, the FAB may also co-opt temporary advisors/consultants as deemed necessary to provide expert advice on any topic that may arise. These advisors/consultants will have no voting rights within the FAB.

Reserved positions 

Each member organisation holding a reserved position on the FAB will be responsible for identifying their chosen representative by means of a transparent and democratic process, which will be managed by the organisation itself. Each organisation will select a representative and a vice representative to ensure continuity of presence at meetings. These representatives are to be elected/re-elected on an annual basis. 

Non-reserved positions 

Evertonians are able to apply providing they meet the eligibility criteria for the role. Applications will be followed by a shortlisting process carried out by a panel; after which an independently (from FAB and EFC)-verified election will be held to identify the elected members


The officers of the FAB will be Chairperson, Vice-Chair and Secretary. They will be elected at a FAB meeting on an annual/seasonal basis and the management of this process will be adjudicated by a member of the FAB who is not seeking election as an officer. 

FAB meetings without Club attendance  

The FAB will meet independently, on a monthly basis. All meeting minutes will be made available to the wider fanbase once approved at the subsequent FAB meeting. 

Club attendance at FAB meetings 

Additionally, the FAB will meet with EFC, including at least one Board member on at least a quarterly basis, with guaranteed attendance from EFC CEO at least twice per annum. For each meeting, a minimum of twenty working days’ notice will be given to all members. The FAB will provide the agenda to Everton at least five working days prior to the meeting, with AOB no later than twenty-four hours prior. A jointly-agreed record of discussions ratified by the FAB and Everton, will be made available within twenty working days of each meeting. 

All FAB members will be required to comply with a Code of Conduct to ensure behaviour is respectful at all meetings. The FAB may suspend or expel any member whose conduct renders them unfit for membership in the opinion of the FAB. No member may be suspended or expelled without first being given the opportunity to make representations in writing to the FAB.

All FAB members have the right to vote at all meetings on a ‘one member, one vote’ basis. In the event of a split vote, the Chairperson will have the casting vote. 

To ensure the FAB runs effectively, members are required to attend a minimum of 75% of meetings annually, unless there are extenuating circumstances; failure to do so could result in the removal of the member from the FAB. 

In order to recognise the commitment from the FAB and Everton, all parties will sign a Memorandum of Understanding to ensure the frequency of meetings, EFC’s attendance and the sensitivities of confidential information can be maintained.

FAB members representing organisations with reserved positions are required to ensure regular dialogue is maintained with that organisation’s membership so that any issues, successes or areas for improvement can be raised in advance of FAB meetings. Furthermore, representatives are required to disseminate information from the FAB’s monthly meetings.

Additionally, the FAB will hold an annual conference to engage with the fanbase.

The FAB will manage its own website and social media accounts independently as a means of communicating with the fanbase.

The FAB has a complaints procedure, published separately from this Terms of Reference. This policy sets out the process by which the FAB should investigate complaints or charges that a member may, directly or indirectly, have breached the terms of the FAB Code of Conduct that they have signed up to as a condition of their membership.

The FAB will carry out a formal review of the Terms of Reference on an annual basis and any amendments must be ratified at a FAB meeting.